Nice to meet you Left Hook.
Since the 2020 production season has been “compressed” due to COVID-19 are you looking for creative collaborators to help handle your production workload? I can help.
My name is Michael Ivey. I’m a freelance “multi-screen” storyteller. My unique talent is the ability is to capture the “best version” of anyone, from real people to celebrities, while crafting their stories into authentic, moving and memorable content.
You had me at Left.
Great name… and I’m very impressed by your work. Kudos on having the talent, understanding and emotional intelligence to consistently hit the bullseye where great storytelling meets winning strategy.
Like you, I am committed to making work that makes a difference. I’m a team player and a “hands-on” problem solver, always happy to wear multiple hats to help stretch budgets and meet deadlines.
I bring a unique skill set to every project. Besides working in film, I’ve been a commentator/reporter for NPR’s “All Things Considered,” a professional river runner, a Los Angeles-based production designer, an Operating Engineer and an AP photojournalist based in Appalachia. As a Directors Guild of America / Financial Core director, I can work both union and nonunion projects.
Political. Issue Advocacy. Corporate.
Please take a few minutes to view samples of my political, issue advocacy and corporate work below. More samples are available by clicking the Motion and Still tabs in the header. Samples of my radio work are under Motion - Radio / VO.

1) Latino Victory - Latino Victory Looks Ahead To 2018 - Researcher, Writer - Brand Image, Social, Fundraising
2) Keep Gary Sheff Magistrate - Writer, Director, Producer, Co-DP, Editor, Still Photographer Schedule - One-day shoot on location in Kanawha County, West Virginia Crew - One other filmmaker and myself Budget - Produced on a shoestring budget - hundreds, not thousands, of dollars. Deliverables - Two :30s and Four :15s for TV & Social, One :30 Radio, Official Portrait, BTS photos for Social Media
3) Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center - Susan - Director, Interviewer, Co-Producer, Co-DP, Editor Schedule - Three-day shoot at the Georgetown University New Media Center - We shot over 30 in-depth interviews. Crew - One other filmmaker, a stylist and myself Deliverables - Nine videos for a fundraising gala that raised a record $2.3 million in a single night.
4) ALSO US / Mitsubishi Health - Aleia - Storyteller, Editor -
5) JBS Swift - 1855 - National Brand Rollout, Image, Salesforce Training - Researcher, Writer, Director, Co-DP, Co-Editor
6) Mercy Health - Twists and Turns - Regional Broadcast Campaign - Director, Production Designer
7) West Virginia Tourism - Real. - National TV & Social - Writer, Producer, Director, DP, Location Scout, Propmaster
Thank You
I really appreciate you taking the time to view my work. When you need a hand with any aspect of production, please do not hesitate to give me a shout.
All the best and stay safe, Michael - 614.657.5337
Doug Heyl - Vice President, SBDigital - - 404.431.3866 Sue Witham - Production Co. Owner / EP - Midwest Board Member AICP - - 248.840.5400 Paul Johnson - Production Co. Partner / EP - - 646.870.5110 JoAnne Caputo - Author / Documentary Filmmaker - - 937.767.1515 Jason Harvey - Production Co. Owner / EP - - 917.913.1757
Partial Client List
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, Ford Motor Company, FIVE GUYS, Corning Glass, P&G, Alabama Power, Wendy’s International, Cooper Tire, Jet’s Pizza, Big Lots, Smithfield Foods, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and The Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
“Michael is unlike any director I have ever worked with. It must be his NPR journalist background or something, because he explores every nook and cranny of a project before, during, and after a shoot. Instead of hiring one guy, you get 10. He has a marketer’s DNA and brings to the job some wicked observations, insights and ideas. Carry a pad when you work with him. He’s collaborative. He’s versatile. We used to joke in the agency how at least once a day someone would throw out an idea that began with “What if we got Michael Ivey to...” That’s how much a part of our team he became. Best of all, he is a great guy and I consider him a great friend.”
— Rich Paschall, marketing creative director & strategist
“There are some people you work with who make work seem like play. There are some people you work with who make you feel like you are the most important person in the room. And there are some people you work with who make you feel like your project is the best, most important thing he or she has ever worked on. Michael is all of those people. He is so far beyond an insane director. He is a visionary, a poet, a storyteller, world traveller and photojournalist - he is the quintessential renaissance man. And he is genuine to the core. His passion, vision, collaborative nature, and his tireless commitment to doing whatever it takes to make each and every production the very best, make Michael my very first choice to work with. Always. I owe a lot to Michael. He has made me a much better broadcast creative than I ever hoped to be. Borrowing a sentiment from one of my favorite creative directors, I have a very small list of people I hope to work with again in my career... Michael is at the top of that list.”
— Sherri Anderson, branding consultant, copywriter, idea houndess